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Specialist Medical & Health Care

Georgina Hale


Dr Georgina Hale is an Australian medical doctor who lives and practices in Southeast Queensland, Australia. She is a specialist with over 30 years experience in internal medicine, infectious diseases and women’s health and uses both conventional and functional medicine principles in her practice. Most relevant to this book, however, is her original Ph.D. research into midlife women’s reproductive endocrinology (hormones) at the University of Sydney. This research revealed previously unknown information about the changes in reproductive hormones in midlife women prior to, during and after menopause. Her research formed the basis for the growing understanding on midlife women’s symptoms and why many midlife women start noticing some change some years before menopause. 


Instead of pursuing a research career after her Ph.D., Dr Hale incorporated her unique research findings into clinical practice. Because of her extensive experience in internal medicine, infectious diseases and whole-body-mind functional medicine, she became renown for her ability to diagnose and treat a wide variety of puzzling medical conditions, especially those afflicting women. 


Dr Hale published several papers on her Ph.D. findings in peer reviewed journals, and this is her first book publication for the everyday woman. As an original researcher and expert clinician, Dr Hale is uniquely placed to help midlife women understand their hormones and symptoms and guide them through the steps they can take to help manage them.

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